Saturday, September 27, 2014

Spiritual Warfare Strategy by C. Peter Wagner

" Our sovereign God has established a law of prayer. This means He has made certain things He wishes to do in human affairs CONTINGENT on the prayers of His People. If God's people are obedient & faithful in Prayer, God's "Plan A" so to speak , will go into effect. If not, we can expect a less desirable "Plan B"." (Spiritual Warfare Strategy by C. Peter Wagner pg 24)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vegan Food Pyramid & Juicing

Hey, update time people!  June I took a 2 week vacation (still making progress) however in  July I hit a plateau with exercise (not enough intensity) & dietary changes (I was not really calorie counting & eating vegetarian 75% of the time.  PROGRESS got hung up.
Fortunately my meat loving husband became a vegan in June & looks amazing!!! Plus, he is having an improvement to his health & his insulin units had to be reduced by 7 units! His diabetic cravings no longer dominate or control his dietary choices. His success encouraged me to join the vegan bandwagon July 28.

In 20 days, I have hit an all time record in muscle gain!
I averaged 55lbs of muscle & now I am at 65lbs of muscle!
I have also hit an all time record low in body fat! I lost 10% body fat in 20 days!
My weight dropped 11lbs & I lost 2 sizes in my pants & tops :-)

I am preparing all my own foods. No restaurant food unless it is subway or salad or the rare coffee treat. 99% vegan since July 28 has also lowered  my blood pressure into the healthy zone. I no longer need to take 2 types of bp medicine. I rarely need my bp medicine & I take one pill if it is running high.

I had symptoms that I thought was high bp related but they were side effects of too much bp medicine I didn't need! It took me a few weeks in July to realize this pattern.

So currently ON TRACK WITH MAJOR PROGRESS! I am convinced I will see continued success.

What does eating vegan and juicing look like? Well, I start off my day with a zinger.

STARTER: 1 lemon w. peel & a 1inch piece of ginger juiced * (my juicer is listed in earlier post)

BREAKFAST: Usually Fruity oatmeal, 1 yogurt, or a veggie juice,
 rarely one egg on 1 40 cal slice of bread & half a slice of cheese.

WATER & JUICE: (2 glasses) of water with one JUICE (lately one beet & ginger with 2 red delicious apples every other day or beet,carrot, celery, cucumber blend or beet & watermelon or simply seedless watermelon juiced with a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper)

Lunch (portion controlled): 1 cup of tuna & noodles with onion & mayo or homemade 3 bean chili w. veggies or soup or a sandwich (no cheese typically & 40 cal bread)

WATER & JUICE: (2 glasses) of water with one JUICE (lately one beet & ginger with 2 red delicious apples every other day or beet,carrot, celery, cucumber blend or beet & watermelon or simply seedless watermelon juiced with a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper)

Dinner: Big Salad, or homemade vegetarian curry on white rice (.5cup), homemade 3 bean chili with veggies

WATER & JUICE: (2 glasses) of water with one JUICE (lately one beet & ginger with 2 red delicious apples every other day or beet,carrot, celery, cucumber blend or beet & watermelon or simply seedless watermelon juiced with a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper)or 1 lemon with peel & 2 golden delicious apples)

I love beets, but having them juiced in different ways really is working for me. It is also cost effective & delicious. However, try any juice with a combination of veggie and fruit until you find what works for you.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Health Makeover: Beachbody Challenges, Juicing, Shakeology

Day 3 of Challenge #2. 
I am amazed at what I can do! I am no longer down in the mouth about what I cant do in terms of exercise. 
Just 9 months ago, I came out of major surgery and was 20lbs heavier & wearing 1X-2X tops and some 3X jeans at an all time high weight. I remember getting winded just walking to the mailbox or a flight of stairs. I did what I could, but having lost my grandma at age 62 to pericarditis (heart) and my dad at age 52 to a arteriosclerosis (heart & circulatory) I felt I HAD to MAKE DRASTIC CHANGES.

What a contrast to the person I used to be. Most of my life a fit and slightly overweight individual. In the military, I served my country 7 years and was able to complete 87 situps in 2 minutes, run 2 miles in 16 minutes, & perform 52 pushups. At home I tested myself with a full duffle weighting 85lbs and I could do at least 30 pushups and pop up with no problem. Road marches of 4-6 miles were a treat and I loved the gym.

In Jan 2000 I got out of the army and didnt take good care of myself. By the time I met my husband in 2006 I was 30lbs lighter than I am today, but 40lbs heavier than I was when I got out of the military!!!

It is time for a change. 
Change has begun.
1. Walking record 3.1 miles & cycling 2.3 miles

2.   Weightlifting
        a. Hamstring curl (legs) 135lbs/90lbs & 75lbs
        b. Butterfly (chest) 40lbs
        c.  Deadlift (back)  30lbs
3. For fun
      Picked up my 6ft (250lbs) husband on my back took a few steps & spun him around much to his surprise. I think i gave him a slight heart attack :-)


1. GET A JUICER (recommended Breville brands or Cuisinart CJE-1000)

2. Optional: High quality Blenders (Nutribullet or Ninja with travel cups)

3. Locate nearest Farmers Markets & their hours/ use grocery circulars to shop sales.

4. BEGINNER DAILY BASIC JUICE: 3  Gala APPLES, 3 Carrots, 1 Cucumber, 2 Celery Sticks (will upload picture of this delicious & heart healthy juice)-do not peel skins off. I pour this on ice it is sweet & fresh green tasting.


Smartphone Apps that Rock!
1.Moves (to track walking or cycling)
2.Absolute Abs (beginners 8 min routine is challenging but doable)
3. Grocery Pal (grocery circulars to plan shopping trip savings)


Manage Temperament, Food & Job Environment for Increased Health in Weight Training


Thursday, May 23, 2013




LOST/ GAIN May 7,2013 May 14,2013 May 19,2013 May 22,2013 Total 17 day LOSS/GAIN
Weight -2.60 2.6 2.6 -1.60 1.00
Waist  1 4 -4.00
Hips -2.00 -2.50 -0.50
Chest -2.00 2 -2.00
Right arm -0.25 -0.25 -2.00
Left arm -0.25 -0.25 -1.50
Right thigh 0.2 -0.50 -1.00 -1.00
Left thigh -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00
Total inches lost -4.30 0.00 -6.00 -6.50 -16.80
body fat% -1.6 -2.10 2 -1.7
BMI -1.00 -1

First 17 days (lightweight exercise, big nutrition, shakeology w. water) lost 
1 lb
16.8 inches
1.7% in bodyfat
& BMI went down by one

Gained 8-10 lbs of muscle!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


TOTAL GYM SQUATS AT LEVEL 6 for 2 weeks at 55 reps 1-2X every other day @ 51% of body weight (130 lbs of weight)